miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010

The Teenage Brain

After watching this movie I learned many things. I now know that a regular teenager needs from 9-12 hours of sleep every day. Also, I learned that during those years, teenagers tend to feel bothered by their parents and usually go against what they say. Some schools think that it is convenient to start classes later than normal, this is so that students get enough resting time. I  believe that it is better for students that school starts later than normal because in that way students will have more rest and get better grades. This will help students improve their grades and be more active in class. Even though this plan can have a negative effect on after school activities, I believe that this is indeed convenient. Also, it is normal for teens to feel that their parents hate him or go against him. This is because parents are trying to guide their children in the right direction, while they believe that they hate him or go against him for punishing him. All of this is caused because the teenager's brain is developing and it has not fully developed into an adult's brain. It was very interesting to watch this video and I learned many things.



domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010

How our Brains Work

1. What does the word "hemisphere" refer to when talking about the brain?
The brain  is divided into two hemisphere, the left side and the right side.

2. What are the major differences between the left and right sides of the brain?
The right side controls remembering, understanding, and the positioning of things. While the left side controls the use of language and understanding it.

3. What is the corpus collasum?
It is what connects the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

4. Explain the study performed by Paul Broca in which he discovered "Broca's Area."
The Broca Area is named after Pierre Broca when he made a study on a patient that died without having the ability to talk. He examined the patients brain. 

5. Explain the study conducted by Roger Sperry in regard to "split brain."
The split brain was discovered in a research made by Roger Sperry and his colleagues who discovered that people with specific areas damaged would not be able to speak. 

6. Explain the study conducted by Karl Wernicke which led to the discovery of Wernicke's Area."
Karl Wernicke discovered that this area of the brain is involved in the understanding of language. It  has to do with the processing of things that we hear.

7. Which lobe is most responsible for vision?
Occipital Lobe

8. Which lobe is most responsible for hearing and language?
Temporal Lobe

9. Which lobe is most responsible for performing math calculations?
Parietal Lobe

10. Which lobe is most responsible for judgment, reasoning and impulse control?

Frontal Lobe



martes, 21 de septiembre de 2010

Phineas Gage

1. Who was Phineas Gage?
Phineas Gage was an American railroad construction manager. He is most remembered by a suprising survival of a terrible accident. During this accident he suffered many brain damage. This injury caused him to have changes in behavior and personality.The changes were so drastic that his friends did not see him as he was before. Phineas was born on July 9 of 1823 and died on May 21 1860.

2. Describe the event which caused his injury.
His terrible accident in which a large iron rod went completely through his head. This destroyed much of his brains left frontal lobe. When he was 25 years of age, he and his working gang had to blast a rock. His duty was to add blasting powder, sand, and a fuse, snd then compact them with the iron rod. The powder exploded and the rod went into his head.

3. What happened to him as a result of his injuries?
His frontal left lobe was destroyed. Also, he lost his left eye and had a scar on his forehead. Also, he had partial paralysis of his face. He had brain damage that caused him to change his behavior.

4. What did we learn about the brain based on this case study?
We learned that you can damage your brain and not die, but have mental problems further one. Also, that every part of the brain has a specific function.

5. Explain the idea of brain localization?
Brain  localization are the different parts of the brain and the functions that every part have in your body.

6. Explain the concept of brain lateralization?
The brain is divided into to different sections

jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010

Criminal Behavior Nature vs. Nurture Debate

Does criminal behavior come from nature or nurture? Nature refers to the genetic characteristics that you attain from your genes. Meaning that it is passed on by your ancestors. While nurture on the other hand, refers to the environment you live in. The characteristics that you attain that come from what is around you. The question is does criminal behavior come from genes, rather than environment. Studies have revealed that both genes and environment contribute to criminal behavior in a person. Studies demonstrate that having a genetic predisposition for criminal behavior, but if they are exposed to a criminal or anti-social behavior, than the chances of criminal behavior is higher. The nature vs. nurture debate has many influences in the criminal behavior of an individual.

Many murderers have had a record of family violence, or a criminal environment. Most criminals have been raped, abused, mistreated, abandoned, etc. All of this actions that murderers have suffered are the cause of all the horrific crimes that they have committed. A bad environment can cause brain damage in any person. This will create madness in a person and create traumas in their brain.  All of these environmental history that causes trauma in a person's brain is not the only explanation for criminal behavior. There is evidence that demonstrates that not always crime committers have had a bad environment. Many genetical issues have also been the cause of brain damage in a criminal. Many scientific research has proven that many criminals are born already with a propensity for violence. Also, research has proven that some people are born with brain abnormalities that cause criminal behavior. Scientists have come to the conclusion that criminal behavior is a combination of both nature and nurture. Enviroment and genes are responsible for criminal behavior. Criminals who are proven guilty but have psychological damage, do not receive the same punishment than other criminals who don't in most cases. This is because these criminals with brain damage are not conscious of what they are doing because of their abnormality. Nature and Nurture both contribute in the mind of a criminal.

In conclusion, environment and genes both make a criminal do the crimes they commit. Environment, or nurture, in a criminal, is when the criminal suffered abuse or trauma in their brain while they grew up. While on the other hand, nature, or genes, in a criminal, are the traits and traumas that their ancestors have passed on to them. Even though, trauma or brain damage, is not an excuse for a criminal for what they did. I believe that all murderers should receive the punish that they deserve, independently if they have brain trouble.



